
Monday, April 29, 2013

Home Remedies for Thyroid

Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a kind of health problem that occurs due to underactive thyroid gland. Due to hypothyroidism the metabolism rate of the body gets affected as metabolism is controlled majorly by the help of thyroid gland. Some of the common symptoms associated with hypothyroidism are fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, constipation, dry skin, puffy face, hoarse voice, cramping of muscles, sudden weight gain, depression and brittle fingernails and hair.
As most of the cases of hypothyroidism are mild, it can be easily treated at home. There are many natural remedies that can help in preventing, controlling and treating this health problem.
Here are top 10 home remedies for Hypothyroidism.
  1. Iodine

    Iodine is essential to ensure proper functioning of thyroid gland. So, those suffering from hypothyroidism must increase their intake of iodine. The iodine level of your body can be increased by including natural sources of iodine in your diet. Some of such sources are yoghurt, fish, meat, eggs, seafood, potato, parsley, radish, bananas, oatmeal and salt. Along with the natural sources of iodine you can also try supplements. Best sources of natural supplement of iodine are kelp or seaweed which can be purchased from health food stores. Before taking any supplement, it is better to consult a doctor to know about the amount of dose your body needs.
  2. Bladder Wrack

    Bladder wrack is a kind of seaweed that must be consumed by those suffering from hypothyroidism in order to improve the functionality of their thyroid gland. Bladder wrack contains high amount of iodine and is very good for proper functioning of thyroid. The herb bladder wrack can also help in the treatment of arthritis pain, constipation, bronchitis, and anxiety. Experts suggest taking 200 mg of bladder wrack supplement every day but before taking the supplement it is better to consult a doctor.
  3. Flax Seed

    Flax seeds contain a good amount of omega 3 fatty acids which are essential for smooth functioning of the thyroid gland. This is why those suffering from hypothyroidism must consume both flax seeds as well as flax seed oil. Take a tablespoon of ground flaxseeds and have with water every day on empty stomach. At the same time you can also consume a teaspoon of flax seed oil daily to improve the functionality of the thyroid gland. Flax seed oil will also help in preventing constipation and reducing the cholesterol level.
  4. Ginger

    Ginger is a good source of zinc, magnesium and potassium and its powerful anti-inflammatory properties can help in improving the functionality of thyroid. Those suffering from hypothyroidism can use ginger in different ways. Fresh ginger root slices can be added to soups and other dishes. Another option is to drinking a lot of hot ginger tea. To make this herbal tea, take some fresh ginger slices and add them to a cup of boiling water. Steep for give minutes and then add some honey to it. You can drink this herbal tea three to four times a day. Dried ginger can also be consumed as well.
  5. Coconut Oil

    Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids which help in improving the functionality of thyroid. At the same time coconut oil helps in improving the body metabolism rate. Always use extra virgin organic coconut cooking oil to enjoy the health benefits of this cooking oil. You can use coconut oil for cooking. Coconut oil is a saturated fat that you can consume by adding it to milk. Daily add two tablespoon of coconut oil to milk and have it in the morning along with your breakfast.
  6. Sunrays

    Early sunshine is good for the health. To allow your thyroid gland to function in a proper manner, it is important to expose your body for fifteen to twenty minutes daily to early morning sunrays. This will help to maintain the vitamin D level of your body which plays a key role in maintaining healthy immune function and calcium metabolism. Those suffering from hypothyroidism must make it a habit to wake up in the morning and do some healthy exercises such as walking in the open. This way they will get the early sunshine and get benefitted from physical exercises.
  7. Evening Primrose Oil

    Evening primrose oil is another essential ingredient that can help hypothyroid patients. Primrose oil is rich in amino acids, which nourish the thyroid gland. This oil can help in improving the functionalities of thyroid gland. At the same it can also remove the problems associated with hypothyroidism such as hair loss and heavy menstrual flow. Take one tablespoon of evening primrose oil daily to restore the functions of the thyroid gland and to reduce the inflammation.
  8. Nettle

    Herbs such as nettle can help combat hypothyroidism. In fact, nettle is good to balance the thyroid with both under and over activity. Nettle herb effectively treats hypothyroidism caused due to iodine deficiency as it is a rich source of iodine. Best way to use nettle is to make an herbal tea which can be consumed two to three times a day. To make nettle tea at home by take one tablespoon of dried herbs in a cup of boiling water and steep for at least ten minutes. Finally strain it and add some sweetening before drinking it. Another option is to use nettle oil for gently massaging the neck area. This will encourage production of thyroid hormones and remove hypothyroidism from your system.
  9. Siberian Ginseng

    Siberian Ginseng is very useful for adrenal and thymus glands and therefore this herb can also be used to improve the health of inactive thyroid gland. Siberian ginseng regulates the hormone levels by assisting in functioning of the adrenal and the thymus glands which can be of great help when suffering from hypothyroidism. This herb will also help to alleviate one of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism, fatigue. One must take a dose of 100 to 200 mg of Siberian ginseng extract twice daily, before breakfast and before lunch.
  10. Black Walnut

    Black walnut is a good source of organic iodine which helps in strengthening and nourishing the thyroid gland. Black walnut which is also rich in magnesium help in improving the functionality of thyroid gland. Thus, black walnuts can also be used for the treatment of hypothyroidism. Those suffering from hypothyroidism must include black walnut too in their daily diet plan.

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